Monday 7 January 2013

Disability article

This is the double page spread I created on Indesign.
The rule of three's is where 3 images are grouped together, this helps the spread to looked balanced.
A skill I have developed whilst using Indesign is giving an image a 3D effect by making the pictures look like polaroids. This catches the readers attention and draws them in. The use of drop shadow and overlapping makes the images stand out on the page and again gives the images a 3D effect.
In order to create the background firstly you must select a subtle image, like mine and copy the image or save it to your files. You then place the image into Indesign and select the rectangle tool and highlight over the image to size. You then right click on the box you've created and send it to the back. Ensuring that the image is viewed in high quality display so that the image isn't pixelated. You then fill in the box you've made and fill it in so that it is white (to create the polaroid effect), you then use the black arrow to place your image over the white box and then use ctrl G to group the images together and move around as one image. The rotation tool allowed me to move the images very slightly so that the images again have the polaroid look.
In order to make my title, I used photoshop. the page was set up to be 300mm wide x 100mm in height. The page needs to be transparent so that only the writing shows up and not the background of the title.

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