Thursday 15 November 2012

Levels and Curves Tutorial

Today in photoshop we used levels and curves to give an image a more 'retro' look. Cross processing was a technique used in the 1980's to develop film. The first image shows the unedited version of the subject. And the second image below shows my cross processed image. The top corner of the scale for the levels brings out the colours (Red, green and blue) within in the image whilst the bottom corner of the scale takes the colours out.
In order to create the image, I first went to photoshop and selected the image that I wanted to use. Next I created a new adjustment layer. I then selected curves and changed the red curve which can bring out the red more or take it out. We had to create an S shape with the red and the same with the blue level. With the green we didn't have to create an S shape, but just had to play around a bit to make the image look more 'retro'. After this I added another adjustment layer and added a solid colour. I chose to use a pinky colour and then changed the opacity down so that the pink faded out but was still visible in the picture. 

This lesson has taught me how to play around with levels to give the image a different look, I now know how to add a solid colour, fade it out and how to add a new adjustment layer. I can now add colours or take colours away by using the levels.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Heal Brush tutorial

This is an image of Zoe before we used the heal brush tool to cure her skin issues on photoshop. In order to do this we first selected the image of Zoe before we photoshopped her, we simply seletced the heal brush tool and each time we went to heal a section of her face, we would place the brush tool next to the spot and press alt on the keyboard. This ensured we had the correct skin tone so that it didn't look unnatural. The image below shows how well the heal brush tool worked.

This lesson taught me how to use the heal brush tool on photoshop and to get a natural looking skin tone in order to keep the photo looking natural and unedited.

Photoshop edits - Vampire

In the lesson in order to make the subject look like a vampire, I first used the sponge tool to make her skin grey, the setting I had it on was desaturate in order to make her look more 'dead'. Next I used the burn tool on the 'highlights' setting in order to darken the sujects eyes. Next in order to make the 'fangs' I used the magnetic lassoo tool to select the tooth and then went to edit, transform and warp. This created a sort of mesh around the tooth to which I could then extend the tooth to an appropriate size. I repeated this step with the other tooth. I then pressed enter and ctrl D, this de-selects the tooth. And finally to make the eyes red and add blood to the fangs I had to create a new layer and use the brush tool. I then had to colour the eyes and teeth in before changing the setting from just blood red to more opaque so it looked less edited.
This lesson has taught me how to desaturate the image in order to make the subject look more 'dead'. The lesson also taught me how to change the opacity of the paint brush tool.

Photoshop edits.

In todays Media lesson we had to edit images on photoshop. We had to use vingetting on an image, desaturartion, brightness/contrast and autocolour to change the images.Today's lesson helped me how to use autocolour/contrast in photoshop as well as how use vingetting in an image.
This image is the brightness/contrast image. In order to autocolour/contrast this I first had to desaturate the image, by going into image and then to adjustments and then to desaturate. I then went and changed the brightness/contrast of the image. The reason for using autocolour and auto contrast makes the image brighter. It makes the blacks in the image blacker and the whites whiter.

This image is the vingetting image I created. Vingetting is used to create a focus on the target in the image. It darkens the corners within the image. To do this I first selected the eliptical markee tool and set it to between 60 to 90 pixels. Then selected a gradiated line, select the image and then inverse. Then go to image adjustment and then used ctrl D, which then de-selects the image.

And this is the autocolour/autocontrast image. To do this I went into image on photoshop and then to auto tone which then gave the options to auto contrast and auto colour. I then went to filter and to unsharpen mask to a 2.0 pixel radius. In magazines, the eyes need to draw the reader in and therefore need to be as sharp as possible.

Below is the original image.

Monday 5 November 2012

Nature's Heroes 26/10/2012

Today we created a CD cover for Nature's Heroes single 'Old School'. We looked at how to use tools.
 To create the pink fade background I used the gradient tool, and for the various 'brushes' such as the apple, and the scissors we went on a site called brusheeze to download a brush for our CD cover. After downloading the brush, you select it in the brush tool menu on photoshop and then select the various little brushes to use. I then re-sized and changed the colour of the brushes to give it a child like effect of being back at scool. The use of master diameter also changes the size. I added a bar code to make the CD cover realistic.